Join us


Welcome. We are glad that you are considering joining our team and will try to give you a little bit of information about how that could work. We hope that this will seem appealing to you and that you will want to contact us to make a time to discuss this further with Natalie. We know that even considering becoming an associate can be quite a daunting step so please feel free to make use of the offer to discuss it further knowing that there is no obligation and that we are happy for you to make the decisions at your pace and to find what will work best for you.


Natalie is keen to ensure that the associate role works for you as well as the wider team. We can be flexible about lots of aspects of how you would work with us - the amount of time you offer us, the days and times, the location you'd like to use as a base and the families you prefer to work with. This means that it is something that could work alongside an NHS role or if you are just venturing into the world of private work. Natalie would aim to give you clear information about what we could offer in regard to admin support, referrals, and supervision so that you could get a clear idea of how being an associate would work and whether it is the right fit for you.


We hope to hear from you. 


Please feel free to contact us by email at

or on 07792 032872.

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Dr Natalie Briant

Locations in Bicester (centre), Deddington and North Oxford. 

Sessions can also be in more convenient venues by arrangement.